By Ursula Gonzales-Barron | July 1, 2020

The concept of the Pathogens-in-Foods database and application was explained in the presentation entitled “A web application to access and analyse occurrence data of microbial hazards in foods” at the International Conference on Predictive Modelling in Food (ICPMF11), which took place on the 17-20th September 2019 in Bragança, Portugal.

Dr. Gonzales-Barron pointed out that Pathogens-in-Foods was conceived to bring together prevalence and enumeration data of biological hazards in foods, which are plenty yet disperse, in a harmonised arrangement. The dynamic interface of the application, built through shiny and flexdashboard packages in R, allows users to retrieve data selections of pathogens in foods, and quickly generates charts, box plots, trend graphs and meta-analysis.

ICPMF11 Conference